Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dreaming the dream within

Sometimes I wish I was an eagle… I’d soar up high on the mountains… All alone… I will spread my wings and feel the cold air going through my feathers … nobody will hurt me up there… I can soar as high as I want to soar… and I will be peaceful… I‘d enjoy that peace, I’d be so happy there… then I’d sit on the branch of a tree… I’d look at the sun… my eyes will shine… and a tear… the tear with all my emotions, my dreams and my hopes will appear on my eyes… it too will shine and glisten in the sun… And the tear will fall… it will fall onto the cold mountain… and there it will freeze, it will freeze with tears like mine... of other eagles which have all perched on that very same branch and dreamt… dreamt a dream about a better world… I pity their faith… Then I’ll wait on that branch… I’ll wait on that branch till the sun goes down… alone… in peace... dreaming… 


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